Saturday, January 16, 2010

Parables & Princes

Wrote another two stories:

Where Parables Go to Die, 3000 words.

I usually don't write humor stories or light fantasy, but this one was a lot of fun to write. Sort of a hard sell, though. Not really sure where to send it.

The Half Prince, 1000 words, flash.

Just a quick story about a deformed prince.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beneath-Ceaseless Skies

Beneath Ceaseless Skies just became an SFWA qualifying short-fiction market. Scott Andrews and the team over at BCS have been putting together some great fiction for a while now, so congratulations. Check out their forums. Mr. Andrews, the editor, often posts and provides great tips for authors. He still responds with personal feedback on nearly every story you submit, which is great, and unique, I think, amongst pro-paying markets.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Electric Velocipede

I recently sold a story to Electric Velocipede. Thanks a lot to John Klima, and I look forward to seeing it in print. My friends and family are getting a little annoyed though, because my response to every question they ask lately is: "You can't ask me that, I'm a published author."

New Stories

Wrote two stories so far this month.

Marksmanship in the Age of Sparrows--a sci-fi story, 4,000 words.

The Brokenhearted Leper--fantasy, 2,800 words.

Writing's a strange experience. Marksmanship took me a long time to write, and Brokenhearted Leper I wrote in only three days.

I'll update if I sell either of them. I think they're both pretty good. But I would think that, now wouldn't I?